Eat, Sleep, & Move Your Way To Legendary Health – Ted Ryce

eat sleep move to legendary health ted ryce wellness force episode 99

Eat, Sleep, & Move Your Way To Legendary Health – Ted Ryce

Ted Ryce is a 20 year Celebrity Fitness Expert, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Wellness Coach and Host of the Legendary Life Podcast

In his dynamic health and wellness career, Ted has worked with Fortune 500 CEOs, busy professionals and celebrities, including Richard Branson, Ricky Martin and Robert Downey Jr. by helping his clients develop high-performance habits that help them manage stress, adversity, and lead more successful lives.

His philosophy is that being a high-performance person, one who chases and achieves their biggest goals, isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity to survive and thrive in the modern world.

Listen to Episode 099 as Ted Uncovers

  • How we can begin to take the initial steps towards sleeping, eating, and moving better amidst all of our constant distractions.
  • Strength training can benefit your entire mind and body by releasing beneficial hormones.
  • We can still maintain a high level of fitness and strength well into old age through sustainable training.
  • What periodization is and how it can help our bodies become stronger.
  • Who the best sources of health and wellness information are.
  • How we can use eccentric isometric and yielding isometric exercises to help stimulate and strengthen the muscle.
  • How long should we work out for? Understanding your body type is key to selecting what workouts to do and for how long you should be doing them. Some different body types include endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph.
  • Implement habit change with nutrition and movement to help you turn your health around.
  • How we all have a “fat thermostat” that affects our hormones and influences our emotional state. Changing habits will be better for our emotions compared to crash diets.
  • Avoid decision fatigue and plan to eat healthy while avoiding sugary snacks.
  • To sleep better, pay attention to the quality of your sleep: track your sleeping habits, stay away from electronic devices, lower the temperature in your bedroom, use devices or apps to help if necessary, and learn to balance your exercise routine.
  • Sleep quality usually depends on light, noise, temperature, and sound so make sure you create the best sleeping environment for your needs.

Top 3 Takeaways From The Show

  • We need to get in touch with what our bodies are telling us. No one truly knows our bodies better than we do ourselves and we're the only ones that can fix any problems that we have. To become healthier, we need to start listening to our bodies and making healthy changes that are in accordance with our limits.
  • With so much constant information available to us, it's hard to know who you can trust. Seek out the right health tips and guidance from people who are constantly evolving and willing to change their philosophies. They're willing to experiment and learn by trying new diets, exercise, and wellness technology.
  • To achieve sustainable health, focus on movement, sleep, and nutrition.  To stay strong, fit, and active, muscle stimulation will help you become stronger and healthy. Sleep is so important for our bodies and we need it to be able to function. If you're not sleeping enough to restore your lost energy, you should take a look at your nighttime ritual and see if you can improve it.

Power Quotes From Ted Ryce

“We are ancient bodies with hunter-gatherer genes in a modern world. We are designed to hunt for food, to be outside, and to feel sun on our skin. However, we're really out of sync with where we came from.” – Ted Ryce on how we live today compared to our ancestors.

If you wake up in the morning not feeling good, you’re fatigued, and you’ve got brain fog, then you get to look at your lifestyle and learn the rules of the human body. There’s no psychologist that’s going to fix that. There’s no medication you’ll be able to take that’ll be able to fix your problem if you’re living too out of sync with what your genes need to function optimally. – Ted Ryce on why we should focus on listening to our bodies for optimal health.

“I want you to understand that you can maintain a high level of fitness, strong muscles, and a healthy body well into old age.” – Ted Ryce on why sustainable health is attainable 

“You have to pay attention to your body and yes, you have to work at it. However, if you push too hard, you can end up over-reaching and over-training your body. If you're over-training your body to the point that it's affecting your sleep, you shouldn't be doing that for no more than a week.” – Ted Ryce on  how much we should exercise so that we can still sleep well at night

“It's so important to know your limits and understand what can push your behavior. You need to focus on doing things that can become a lifestyle. When you do that, everything becomes easier.”– Ted Ryce on why changing habits can turn around our lives for the better

“We are not designed to go without sleep. Lack of sleep has a high cost and if you're struggling to get going in the morning, you better start paying attention to your nighttime ritual.” – Ted Ryce on the importance of sleep

“There is a solution to every problem. It may not be the solution that you want nor be the solution that you were hoping for, but there is a solution to every single problem. In a world where we have so much access to information and there's 7 billion people on this planet, you are not alone and someone has already figured our your problem. The solution is out there and you should never give up or stop searching.”  – Ted Ryce's mantra for when he's going through a difficult time.

Start Living a Legendary Life:

Click here for free access to Ted's free video series: Eat, Move, Sleep!

Resources Mentioned by Ted & Josh

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Lauren Bryant, Podcast Production

lauren bryant wellness forceLauren Bryant is the Podcasting Assistant and Show Notes Writer for Wellness + Wisdom. She has a BBA in both Marketing and Spanish for Business as well as certificates in Advanced Business Communications and International Business from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.

Lauren’s wellness journey began at a young age when she joined her local YMCA swim team, The Wave, of La Crosse, WI. One of the most profound views on wellness that anyone has said to her was when she was an assistant swim coach for that same YMCA swim team.

One day during a practice, former head swim coach, Jon Brenner, shared with her that the most important thing about coaching the swimmers was that “It doesn’t matter if they become the best athletes in the world. What’s important is that we give them the tools and guidance they need to live a healthy, active lifestyle for the rest of their lives.”

Since hearing those words, she has taken it to heart to not only focus on continuously living her own healthy lifestyle, but to help others pursue their wellness goals as well.

Lauren’s not only an avid swimmer, but a fan of running, yoga, cooking, and doing any activity outside that involves being surrounded by nature. In the Fall of 2014, she completed a long-awaited goal of walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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